Sunday, February 14, 2010

We are ALL Renaissance kids!!!! yea

All of our friends earned a Renaissance card because of our good grades, attendance, and behavior. Boy, was this celebration pep rally fun!

Sing! Sing! Sing!

Our music program was great. We had almost 100% participation! It was a great night.

The most delicious way to learn economics is... visit Blue Bell Creamery. We learned how this business started and grew from a short video. Next we toured the creamery and watched production. Our favorite part was becoming a consumer! YUM YUM

Westward Bound

We had a rip roarin' good time experiencing the western expansion! With some help from the community, second grade put on a wonderful Western Roundup. Yippee!

Entertainment in the old west meant guitar picking...

Granny Angel tells us a story about an Indian baby.

The Anniston Museum of Natural History brought live animals from the old west.

Mr. Simpson shares authenic relics from the Western Expansion.

Wagon rides were common means of transportation.

Western games consisted of pitching horse shoes, roping, and potato sack relays.

Square dancing with high school cowpokes.

Boys just wanna have fun...

Building community in a class is easy when you have boys like this! I held a Superbowl Prty in February. Playing with our lab was so much fun. Naturally eating pizza and a giant football cookie was delicious! Just being together at teacher's house is cool!


Who forgot to tell me boys like to step in the mud...

Just give me a Cabellos and I'm in heaven!