Friday, July 31, 2009

Bucket Fillers

My class will be participating in the Bucket Filler program this year. This idea was based on a children's book Have You Filled a Bucket Today?: A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids by Carol McCloud. I will begin by reading this book. Next I will show the individual buckets I have purchased for each student. We will discuss how to become a bucket filler. Students will have access to bucket forms to write positive, kind notes that will make a friend happy. These private forms will be distributed on the last day of the week. Unfortunately, we must discuss what "bucket DIPPERS" do. They bully and fail to respect others. The book describes how hurtful "dippers" can make us feel. Bucket fillers show love, respect, and appreciation of each other. Doesn't this sound like fun!


  1. If I put a bucket outside for my mailman, do you think he would fill it with sweet notes instead of bills! I want to be a kid in your class! How fun! Good luck on your first week! Love you!

  2. Thank you Jenn. They are so precious.

  3. I think you are the best teacher in the whole wide world - thank you for home schooling me from 1963-1972!
    Love from your baby sister,
    Nancy Nick Evans
