Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Letters to President Obama

April 6, 2010

Dear President Obama,
People shouldn't go to the moon. They could starve and die. They might fall off. What happens if their spacesuits run out of air or their rocket runs out of fuel? They might never get back home and die without food, water, and air!


April 6, 2010

Dear President Obama,
You need to send me to the moon because I need to find minerals so we can have medicine and better metals. I also need to make houses for the people who need a home on the moon like astronauts and pilots, and control people. Thank you.

Your friend,

April 6, 2010

Dear President Obama,
Can I go into space to see the moon? I trhink it would be cool and good to make discoveries for people.


April 6, 2010

Dear President Obama,
We all want to go to the moon. But do we have to get permission? I should go to the moon because I am not afraid of a lot of stuff. I really think space is interesting. I think it would be fun! Please say i should go.


April 6, 2010

Dear President Obama,
I really want to go to the moon and drive the moon buggy and collect rocks.

Your friend,

April 6, 2010

Dear Neil Armstrong,
I have heard a lot about you. People know you were the first man to walk on the moon. You are famous. I would like to go to the moon because I want to find human life and go in a rocket.

Your friend,

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